VW Bus, How to Add a Rear Seatbelt
This is a mail I received from Uncle Joel. It is made including two faboluos ASCII drawings which I can not hide somewhere with no public access. To see the drawings your viewer have to be capable to select a fixed font character set.
ok, here goes. there are TWO sections, the first is about 100 lines. :)
from Service Bulletins, Model Year 1991
Technical Information
Group: 68
Number: 91-02
Date: April 30, 1991
Subject: Automatic Rear 3-Point Seat Belts, Retrofit Installation
Model(s): Vanagon, 1980-1989 Model Years
Vanagon Camper/Multivan (right rear only),
1980-1989 Model Years
* Part numbers are for reference only. Always check with your Parts *
* Department for latest information. *
Part Number Description Quantity
------------ ----------------------------------- --------
253 857 815D Rear 3-point seat belt (left side) 1
253 857 816D Rear 3-point seat belt (right side) 1
Check with your Parts Department for additional installation parts.
Not all parts listed may be applicable to all vehicles.
* remove rear seat bottom
* remove existing 2-point left/right side lap belt
* remove rear floor carpet
* remove right rear luggage area trim panel
* mark and cut rear luggage area trim panel using dimensions as shown
on Page 3
* locate, by feel, threaded hole under D-pillar trim (arrow)
* cut hole in trim to expose threaded bolt hole
* using bolts (2), mount retractor assembly (1), to side panel (3)
-> 40 Nm (30 ft lb)
* install belt through cut hole in trim panel
* mount upper belt guide onto D-pillar
-> 40 NM (30 ft lb)
* install belt anchor (arrow) to original lap belt anchor point
-> 40 Nm (30 ft lb)
* reinstall right rear luggage area trim panel
* repeat procedure for left side belt assembly, noting to reverse
dimensions accordingly
* reinstall all other components in reverse order
* check rear 3-point belts for proper function
Automatic rear 3-point | | | |
seat belts, retrofit | | | |
installation | Diag. | | Quality |
(one side only) | Check | Repair | Check |
Labor Op. 6876312 | -- | 120 T.U.| -- |
<-Front of vehicle Top
Luggage area trim panel
/ 203mm 210mm \
/ (8in) <71mm> (8-1/4in) \
/ ______ ________<-------- 403mm --> \
/ 38mm | hole | (15-7/8in) \
/ ______ |______| \
/ |
/ |<-149mm-->| |
/ | (5-7/8in)| |
/ |----------|-- |
/ | | 32mm (1-1/4in) ______|
/---------------------------------| |---------------|
|<------- 569mm (22-3/8in)------->|
......................................... end ...........................
that is, the dimensions of the hole are 71mm x 38mm (2-13/16in x
1-1/2in). but the front edge of the hole is 203mm (8in) below the top
edge of of the luggage area trim panel, while the rear edge of the hole
is 210 mm (8-1/4in) from that same edge. the hole is slightly tilted.
the notch is cut in the bottom to accomodate those three bolts that
hold the retractor assembly to the metal of the body.
also notice that this does NOT say anything about those 1986-1989
vanagons with air conditioning. the upper belt guide attachment point
will be behind the air conditioning housing that runs vertically over
the D-pillar. so you would have to cut a hold in the plastic a/c
housing to pass the belt through. (it helps to look at a 1990 or 1991
model, to see how the factory installation looks). in order to prevent
damage to the belt, the little plastic edging (that covers the edges
of the hole in the a/c housing) will have to be installed.
from Service Bulletins, Model Year 1991
Technical Information
Group: 68
Number: 91-04
Date: April 30, 1991
Subject: Automatic 3-Point Left Center Seat Belt, Retrofit Installation
Model(s): All Vanagon w/ center seat, EXCEPT Camper/Multivan
1980-1989 Model Years
* Part numbers are for reference only. Always check with your Parts *
* Department for latest information. *
Part Number Description Quantity
------------ ----------------------------------- --------
253 857 811D 3-point seat belt (left side) 1
Check with your Parts Department for additional installation parts.
* remove rear seat back
* remove rear seat bottom
* remove original left center belt
* remove rear left side panel trim
* measure location of belt retractor, belt guide, and mounting holes,
using dimensions on page 3
* cut panel as required
* reinstall trim panel
* install seat belt retractor on outside of panel, as shown
-> 40 Nm (30 ft lb)
-> hand tighten forward bolt only
* locate, by feel, threaded hole in C-pillar (arrow) for belt guide
* cut C-Pillar trim from threaded hole, install belt guide D-ring
-> 40 Nm (30 ft lb)
* install anchor of 3-point belt into forward mounting hole of
retractor bracket (arrow A)
-> 40 Nm (30 ft lb)
* align bracket for belts, reinstall rear seat bottom and belts
* reinstall rear seatback
* install new buckle for 3-point belt
* check seat belt for proper function
Automatic left center | | | |
3-point seat belt, | | | |
retrofit installation | Diag. | | Quality |
(left side only) | Check | Repair | Check |
Labor Op. 6876311 | -- | 150 T.U.| -- |
Top Front of Vehicle -->
Rear Left side trim panel
_________ _________________|__________
| 67mm | | 38mm
|(2-5/8in)| | (1-1/2in)
\ |_________|_________________|_____:________
\ | .
\ < 102mm > | .
>\ 31mm< hole (4in) | .
---\-- () 22mm __________ _______._ | 442mm
. \ . | | . | (17-3/8in)
. \ . | 118mm | 327mm | .
. \ | (4-5/8in)| (12-7/8in) | .
. \ _._|__________|._ . | .
. \ . . . | .
. \ . . . ()--------.--(hole 22mm)
. \ 245mm 216mm . > 31mm|< . (7/8in)
298mm \ (9-5/8in) (8-1/2in) . | . .
(11-3/4in) \ . . . | 203mm .
. \ . . . | (8-1/8in) .
. \ . . . | . .
.____________ \_._____________.______.__________| ___._______._
......................................... end ...........................
that is, the dimension of the bottom hole is 118mm x 102mm (4-5/8in x
4in). but the front edge of the hole is 216mm (8-1/2in) above the
bottom edge of the trim panel, while the rear edge of the hole is
245mm (9-5/8in) from that same edge. that is, the hole is slightly
tilted. the upper hole is 67mm x 38mm (2-5/8in x 1-1/2in) and appears
also to be slightly tilted. the upper hole has its bottom front edge
442mm (17-3/8in) from the bottom edge of the trim panel.
notice that the instructions do NOT say anything about those two 22mm
(7/8in) holes. both are 31mm (1-1/4in) from the closest edge of the trim
panel. the lower of the two is 203mm (8-1/8in) from the bottom edge,
while the upper of the two holes is 298mm (11-3/4in) above that same
bottom edge.
i have no idea what those holes are supposed to be used for.